Assessing Children’s Computational Skills: Validation of an Adapted Version of the Canadian Achievement Test – Second Edition for 10 year olds



Garon-Carrier G, Boivin M, Ouellet E, Tremblay RE, Dionne G. (2020). Assessing children’s computational skills: Validation of an adapted version of the Canadian Achievement Test - second edition for 10-year-old. PsyArXiv. N/A: N/A.


This study tested the validity of the mathematic subtest of the Canadian Achievement Test – Second Edition (CAT/2; Canadian Test Centre, 1992) for 10 year olds, adapted from the original version administered at age 8. The analyses showed satisfactory internal consistency of the adapted version at age 10, and slightly higher internal consistency than that of the original version at age 8 (.81 vs .76). The total scores distribution of the age 10 version were slightly negatively skewed, suggesting that the tool is sensitive to assess children with lower mathematic abilities. Using a correlational design, the results showed substantial cross-age convergent validity between the age 8 and age 10 versions (.49, p < .001), and cross-measure convergent and discriminant validity of this adapted version. We conclude that the adapted mathematics subtest of the Canadian Achievement Test could be used to reliably measure children’s computational skills at age 10.