The GRISE has given itself the mission to produce useful knowledge for the continuum of interventions that are offered during the developmental periods of childhood, adolescence and transition to adulthood.

Our team

The GRISE brings together regular and associate researcher members, postdoctoral researcher members, graduate research students, interns and research staff. It is also home to four Canada Research Chairs (CRCs): one in placement and rehabilitation of adolescent girls and young women in difficulty (holder: Nadine Lanctôt); another in stigmatization and psychosocial development of youth (holder: Alexa Martin-Storey); a third in school readiness, inclusion of vulnerable populations and social adjustment (holder: Gabrielle Garon-Carrier); and a fourth in digital media use by children and its implications for promoting togetherness (holder: Caroline Fitzpatrick). Two teams are funded by the Research Team Support Program of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC). One is directed by Geneviève Paquette (Research team on positive adaptation, well-being and mental health of youth at increased risk of family or social adversity; 2024-2028) and the other one, by Nadine Lanctôt (Team Rehabilitation Approaches for Youth with Adjustment Problems – RAYAP; 2022-2026).


The GRISE is composed of 31 regular researcher members from the Université de Sherbrooke, 8 associate members and 9 external members

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Postdoctoral researchers

Stagières postdoctoraux

Each year, the GRISE welcomes postdoctoral members who contribute to the Centre’s scientific activities by sharing their expertise with all the members

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More than 100 students of all university levels from various disciplines conduct their research work under the supervision of regular researcher members

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Research staff

Personnel de recherche

The GRISE relies on a dynamic support team that is responsible for the coordination and administration of the Centre and that provides support for the analyses as well as for the transfer and use of knowledge

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Latest publications

Publication title

Research projects

Prospective longitudinal study of the evolution of personality disorders and their consequences on mental health and socio-professional adaptation among young adults at risk

Principal investigator

Project status:


April 2024 - March 2029

Axis 3:
Support the adjustment of people experiencing the consequences of adjustment difficulties during developmental transition periods.
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Research projects

Guiding professional development toward inclusive practices: a study of teachers’ needs

Principal investigator

Project status:


March 2024 - February 2025

Axis 1:
Facilitate the development of adaptive capacities in children who are at risk due to personal or environmental characteristics.
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