Yann Le Corff

Full professor, département d’orientation professionnelle, Université de Sherbrooke

Regular members

  • (2009) Doctorate (Education). Université de Sherbrooke.
  • (2005) Master’s with thesis (Psychology). Université de Moncton.
  • (2001) Bachelor's (Psychology). Université de Sherbrooke.

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to look beyond first appearances to really know other people, discover who they are and what truly drives them. Ever since I began studying psychology, I have been fascinated by what I believe is the core of who we are and how we function psychologically: the personality. Like organic functioning, personality is a complex system of entities that interact with each other and play a crucial role in an individual’s health, development and adaptation to the environment, but also their maladjustments and pathologies. The personality is the system through which our genetic baggage and significant life experiences are expressed. This desire to better know and understand others through their personality is what drives me as a researcher. How can we properly assess the normal and pathological personalities of the people we work with? How do personality disorders develop and how can they be prevented? What is the role of personality in the development of youth at risk of developing problems and in the response to interventions provided to them? My work therefore falls under Axis 3 of GRISE, since it aims to better understand the role of personality in the psychological, social and professional adjustment of adolescents and young adults.

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