Carolina Gonçalves
Associate professor, département d’études en adaptation scolaire et sociale, Université de Sherbrooke
Regular members
- (2010) Doctorate (Educational Sciences). Université Nouvelle de Lisbonne.
- (2010) Doctorate (Educational Sciences). Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense.
- (2007) Master's in Education Research and Intervention (Educational Sciences). New University of Lisbon.
I will begin with my first year as a high school teacher in a school located in the suburbs of Lisbon. Working in this school in a very disadvantaged environment, I came to know students from immigrant and disadvantaged backgrounds who have difficulties adjusting to school and society. As I got to know and understand these students from different countries who spoke different languages, I realized the importance of understanding their specific needs to promote their educational success and social and personal adjustment.
This was the starting point of my research path with at-risk students to give a voice to children who have had no voice in research or at school. Since then, I have always been interested in specific needs to promote the academic success and social adaptation of pupils with various challenges, especially those from immigrant and/or disadvantaged backgrounds, and in particular, through the mastery of oral and written language. I am also interested in pedagogical interventions that support pupils with various academic and socio-emotional problems. At GRISE, my work mainly falls under Axis 1: “Promoting Adjustment Capacity in Children At Risk Due to Personal or Environmental Characteristics.”