Always More: Aspirations for the Future Among Vulnerable Young Mothers



Dumont A, Couvrette A, Paquette G. (2024). Toujours plus : les aspirations pour l’avenir des jeunes mères en situation de vulnérabilité. Revue Jeunes et Société, 7(2), 81-110.


The aspirations for the future that vulnerable young mothers develop early in adulthood tend to be influenced by their life experiences, including their experience of motherhood. Using a narrative approach, this study examines the aspirations expressed by 20 young mothers across all aspects of life, with a view to achieving a broader understanding of their experiences and how such aspirations can serve as sources of hope. Research participants, all of whom were between 18 and 26 years old, were recruited through community organizations for socio-economically vulnerable women with psychosocial adjustment issues. Semi-structured interviews revealed their strong desire to be good mothers, a notion they associated with having greater stability in their lives, access to material goods, positive relationships, and a stronger sense of well-being. They also expressed a desire to support those around them and give back to society. The results of our study therefore highlight the high expectations that these young mothers have for themselves, despite the limited opportunities currently available to them. Our findings also point to the importance of paying close attention to such women’s aspirations for the future when offering them support services.