Anne-Marie Tougas

Anne-Marie Tougas

Full professor, département de psychoéducation, Université de Sherbrooke

Regular members

  • (2012) Postdoctorate (Psychoeducation). Université de Sherbrooke.
  • (2011) Doctorate (Psychology). Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • (2008) Master's degree without thesis (Psychology). Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • (2002) Bachelor's (Psychology). McGill University.

Initially attracted by the vision of research as a tool for social transformation, I did my doctoral training in the field of community psychology. I was quickly drawn to Bronfenbrenner’s holistic thinking, emancipatory values of empowerment and social justice, the richness of qualitative data, and the opportunity to conduct work at the frontier of research and intervention. From the time I wrote my thesis on the school experience of young people living with a physical health problem until now, it is the “grey area” represented by the school-family-health services interface that has continued to interest me.

Since my arrival at GRISE, I have transposed this interest to the field of psychological health and have situated my work under Axis 3 of Grise, which aims to support the adjustment and balance of young people in difficulty. My research program now aims to develop and evaluate intervention practices that involve the various stakeholders in the lives of young people living with a mental health problem in order to weave a solid safety net around them. To do so, I draw on different concepts (recovery, reintegration, transitional care and services, interprofessional collaboration, etc.) and favour methodologies that give young people a pathway while valuing the expertise of practice partners.

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