School reintegration following psychiatric hospitalization: A Review of available transition programs



Tougas A-M, Houle A-A, *Leduc K, *Frenette-Bergeron É, *Marcil K. (2022). School reintegration following psychiatric hospitalization: A Review of available transition programs. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 31(2): 75-92


Objectives: This study aimed to 1) identify transition programs for school reintegration after youth psychiatric hospitalization, and 2) assess these programs using criteria established by Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development. Method: Principles outlined by the Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordinating Centre were used to systematically search 15 electronic databases up to October 2021 for both published and unpublished reports of transition programs. Reports meeting inclusion criteria were examined through three steps: 1) coding of available information, 2) synthesis of programs and 3) assessment of intervention specificity. Results: Thirteen reports met the inclusion criteria and identified eight transition programs. Program theories were rarely explicit about the causal mechanisms and outcomes of their interventions. Nevertheless, areas of consensus emerge as to core components of these programs including: 1) the involvement of a multidisciplinary team, 2) the implementation of a multicomponent intervention, 3) the development of a reintegration plan, 4) the need for gradual transitions, and 5) extended support through frequent contact. Conclusion: School reintegration programs following psychiatric hospitalization are still rare. They can be hard to implement due to the challenges they impose for inter-professional and intersectoral collaborations. Despite this, four of the eight programs are in a good position for an evaluation of their promising standing. Nevertheless, well-designed controlled trials and cohort studies are needed.