Nadine Lanctôt

Chair Holder of the Canada Research Chair in Rehabilitation of Vulnerable Adolescent Girls and Full professor, département de psychoéducation, Université de Sherbrooke

Regular members

  • (2001) Postdoctorate (Child and youth care). University of Victoria
  • (1999) Doctorate (Criminologie). Université de Montréal.
  • (1995) Master’s with thesis (Criminologie). Université de Montréal.
  • (1994) Bachelor's (Criminologie). Université de Montréal.

I have been attracted to research since my undergraduate studies in criminology. But at that time, I didn’t dare to assert my interest in “research,” believing that this profile, unlike the “intervention” profile, was only for “nerds”—which I absolutely did not want to become! I nevertheless accepted a job as a research assistant with a professor who constantly challenged me. I knew then that I felt good in this world and that I could fully explore my passion for research!

For me, being a researcher allows me to get to the bottom of things, be creative, challenge preconceived ideas, propose new ways of understanding complex phenomena, open my horizons and have the freedom to work on subjects that really challenge me. It’s like having carte blanche to innovate day after day!

Over the years, my research interests have focused on a specific population: vulnerable adolescent girls and young women. I am especially interested in the consequences of difficult experiences and their strategies for regaining their footing. I believe that it is important to bring together different theoretical perspectives, not only from psychoeducation, but also from psychology, criminology and sociology. I analyze longitudinal quantitative data, and appreciate the level of precision and rigour that these analyses provide. But I also want to humanize my research results with qualitative data. In essence, I want to work with my collaborators in the field to contribute to the development of practices that are as adapted as possible to the life paths and needs of these vulnerable adolescents and young women (Axis 3).

See the team