“The world through our eyes and by our voices”: what children say about rights, discrimination and differences, gender, and poverty

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Tomás C, Gonçalves C. (2024). “The world through our eyes and by our voices”: what children say about rights, discrimination and differences, gender, and poverty. Educar em Revista, 40, e91508.


In the context of the project SMOOTH – Educational Common Spaces, Passing through enclosures and reversing Inequalities (Horizon 2020, European Commission) and the subproject RED – Rights, Equality, Difference – as well as an epistemological, theoretical, methodological and ethical position, that puts in dialogue the Sociology of Childhood and Education Sciences, a qualitative research was carried out with children attending the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education, in a public school in Lisbon, within the subject of Citizenship and Development. A central aim of the Project, which is presented in this paper, is to analyse, from an active listening of the children, their conceptions about rights, discriminations and differences, gender, and poverty, and their lived/attributed subjective meanings. Methodologically, through observation, semi-structured interviews and focus groups, their voices, and by their proposal, materialised in the publication of a podcast episode. Qualitative content analysis enables us to exercise an understanding of what children say about these themes, what they have prioritised, reflected upon, and ignored. Their views about the world must be understood from their biographies and contexts.