Marie-France Morin

Full professor, département d’études en adaptation scolaire et sociale, Université de Sherbrooke

Regular members

  • (2002) Doctorate (Psychopedagogy). Université Laval.
  • (1998) Master's degree with thesis (Didactics). Université Laval.
  • (1995) Bachelor's degree (Preschool and primary education). Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.

I am interested in the many challenges associated with learning to read and write and am guided by several key questions: What are the challenges students face in mastering written language? Do the constraints associated with learning to write differ depending on particular student characteristics? What challenges do students face when they are in a writing situation? What are the most effective practices to support the process of learning to write? Based on theories from cognitive psychology, I conduct research that investigates the development of various components of writing (spelling, writing gestures or graphomotricity, writing texts) in students with various profiles. I also compare the effects of teaching practices on reading and writing achievement.

As a regular researcher at GRISE, my research aims to generate new knowledge useful for academic and school settings, in order to inform reading and writing support in the classroom and with at-risk populations in preschool and elementary school (e.g., students from disadvantaged backgrounds, students with learning difficulties or disabilities). In this context, school preparation, prevention of reading and writing problems, and students’ individual characteristics are at the heart of my scientific concerns (Axis 1).  The training of students for the next generation of scientists and collaboration with researchers from different disciplines and countries also characterize my research vision.

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