La « nation » dans le programme québécois d’Histoire et éducation à la citoyenneté : une analyse de contenu
Moreau D, Smith J. (2018). La « nation » dans le programme québécois d'Histoire et éducation à la citoyenneté : une analyse de contenu. Revue canadienne de l'éducation. 41(3): 890-916.
This paper presents the results of a lexicometrical analysis of the content of the History and Citizenship Education program implemented in Quebec from 2006 until 2017, in order to shed light on the heated debates that went on during these years. Various actors strongly criticized this program for its avoidance of conflictual social and national events that have characterized the historical trajectory of Quebecois society. However, other actors underlined the visibility given to minority groups such as native people and English settlers who contributed to Quebec’s history. Some authors also pointed out the importance of history education in the formation of critical citizens. Our purpose is to identify the prominent components of this program through its structural features. Those components indicate some allusions to conflictual events of a political nature, but also an instrumental conception of the competence-based approach. The results allow us to put the criticisms of this educational program into perspective, and measure their validity in light of the lexical structure of the program.