Preventing depression in secondary school students: a process evaluation of a brief indicated cognitive-behavioral group depression program in everyday practice Gabrielle Yale-Soulière 2020
Codifying explicit and tacit practitioner knowledge in community social pediatrics organizations: Evaluation of the first step of a knowledge transfer strategy Gabrielle Yale-Soulière 2020
Curriculum recommendations about national history teaching in Quebec: a lexicometrical analysis Jonathan Smith 2020
Assessing Children’s Computational Skills: Validation of an Adapted Version of the Canadian Achievement Test – Second Edition for 10 year olds Gabrielle Garon-Carrier 2020
Preschool cognitive control and family adversity predict the evolution of classroom engagement in elementary school Caroline Fitzpatrick 2020
Different profiles, different needs: An exploration psychosocial and analysis of characteristics of children in kinship care and their parents Josianne Lamothe 2020
A longitudinal analysis of psychological distress among healthcare workers following patient violence Josianne Lamothe 2020
The influence of residential workers social climate on the use of restraint and seclusion: A longitudinal study in a residential treatment center for youth Josianne Lamothe 2020
Os subprocessos do processo de escrita: programa de intervenção para aprendizagem do texto expositivo Carolina Gonçalves 2020