Foster parents’ experiences of learning within a supportive and accessible program: Connect for kinship and foster parents Katherine Pascuzzo 2023
A look inside family reunification for children with attachment difficulties: An exploratory study Katherine Pascuzzo 2023
Experiences of (non-)reporting sexual violence on university campuses: mined paths and mixed outcomes Geneviève Paquette 2023
A latent class analysis of campus sexual violence experiences based on its forms and consequences Geneviève Paquette 2023
Social reactions and trauma symptoms among gender and sexual minority students disclosing sexual violence Alexa Martin-Storey, Geneviève Paquette 2023
The Slut-Shaming Instrument: Preliminary validation, correlates, and links with psychological distress among adolescent girls Alexa Martin-Storey, Geneviève Paquette 2023
Dating violence trajectories in adolescence: How do they relate to sexual outcomes in Canada? Alexa Martin-Storey 2023
Prenatal maternal stress during the COVID-19 pandemic and birth outcomes: Is the newborn spared? Jean-Pascal Lemelin 2023
Prenatal maternal stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study of pregnant women in Quebec, Canada Jean-Pascal Lemelin 2023
Mother-infant interaction context matters for verbal and non-verbal parental mentalization: an initial portrait of associations between parental embodied mentalizing, mind-mindedness, and maternal characteristics in a structured and unstructured context Jean-Pascal Lemelin 2023