Common components of evidence-based parenting programs for preventing maltreatment of school-age children Marie-Josée Letarte 2018
Longitudinal Determinants of School-Based Mental Health Service Use for Girls and Boys with Externalizing Behavior Problems Jean Toupin, Michèle Déry 2018
Are some inequalities amplified through the differential access to play opportunities at school? Caroline Fitzpatrick 2017
Emotion regulation in at-risk preschoolers: Longitudinal associations and influences of maternal histories of risk Alexa Martin-Storey 2017
Early-childhood trajectories of separation anxiety: Bearing on mental health, academic achievement, and physical health between mid-childhood and pre-adolescence Gabrielle Garon-Carrier 2017
Legal adoption as a revealing indicator of the evolution of the family in Quebec Carmen Lavallée 2017
The association between the working alliance with adolescent girls in residential care and their trauma-related symptoms in emerging adulthood Nadine Lanctôt 2017
The importance of adults’ support and mathematical performance, as perceived by students from high school advanced mathematics classes, in their choice of pre-university programs Jonathan Smith 2017