Sports and Young Offenders: A Descriptive and Comprehensive Analysis of Ten Interventions Catherine Laurier 2017
Gender-responsive programs and services for girls in residential centers: meeting different profiles of rehabilitation needs Nadine Lanctôt 2018
The value of a safe, connected social climate for adolescent girls in residential care Nadine Lanctôt 2016
Between parental efficacy and parental distress: Contributions of early maladaptive schemas to the experience of motherhood for youth aging out of care Nadine Lanctôt 2017
How do female adolescents transition out of residential care ? Towards a comprehensive understanding of child sexual abuse in relation to trauma-related symptoms Geneviève Paquette, Nadine Lanctôt 2017
The association between the working alliance with adolescent girls in residential care and their trauma-related symptoms in emerging adulthood Nadine Lanctôt 2017
Adolescent girls placed in residential care : studying instability throught placement trajectories Nadine Lanctôt 2016