Effectiveness trial of brief indicated cognitive-behavioral group depression prevention in french-canadian secondary schools Gabrielle Yale-Soulière 2019
Identifying crime victims vulnerable to persistent depressive symptoms: Results from a secondary analysis Josianne Lamothe 2019
Construct Validity of the French Version of the Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) Measurement Instrument among a Sample of Child Protection Workers Josianne Lamothe 2019
Advancing interprofessional theory: Deliberative democracy as a participatory research antidote to power differentials in aged care Josianne Lamothe 2019
A Prática de Ensino Supervisionada: Vozes e Posicionamentos dos(as) Estudantes-Estagiários(as) Carolina Gonçalves 2019
Textos e Contextos: a Relação entre Teoria e Prática na PES pela voz de Futuros/as Educadores/as e Professores/as Carolina Gonçalves 2019
Historical thought and problematization of learning: identification of models in English scientific literature Jonathan Smith 2019
Which early childhood experiences and skills predict kindergarten working memory? Caroline Fitzpatrick 2019
Explaining school entry math and reading achievement in Canadian children using the Opportunity-Propensity framework Caroline Fitzpatrick 2019