Education for students with neurodevelopmental disabilities—Resources and educational adjustments Malena Argumedes, Marie-France Nadeau 2020
Child maltreatment investigations and substantiations in child protection services: Factors distinguishing children with intellectual disabilities Geneviève Paquette 2021
Evaluation of the implementation and effects of the Positive Behavior Support in Adult Residential Settings (PBS-AR) program Malena Argumedes
Inclusion of HDAA students : Meeting self-determination needs to promote academic success and retention Gabrielle Garon-Carrier
Intellectual disability and child maltreatment : A review of associated factors and consequences and the influence of medical, social, and rehabilitative services received Geneviève Paquette
Education for Students with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: Resources and Educational Adjustments Malena Argumedes, Marie-France Nadeau 2018
Child maltreatment among children with intellectual disability in the Canadian Incidence Study Geneviève Paquette 2018
Factors associated with intellectual disabilities in maltreated children according to caseworkers in child protective services Anne-Marie Tougas, Geneviève Paquette 2018
Differences between sexually abused children with and without intellectual disabilities Geneviève Paquette 2017