De l’appréhension à la distanciation : les expériences d’éducatrices qui interviennent auprès d’adolescentes placées en centre résidentiel Nadine Lanctôt 2018
Moderating role of the form of maltreatment experienced by children on the effectiveness of a parent training program Marie-Josée Letarte 2018
Self-continuity moderates the association between peer victimization and depressed affect Alexa Martin-Storey 2018
Co-construction of an Intervention Model Using Sports in a Rehabilitation Setting: A Collaboration Between Researchers and Practitioners Catherine Laurier 2018
Firearm Ownership in High-Conflict Families: Differences According to State Laws Restricting Firearms to Misdemeanor Crimes of Domestic Violence Offenders Alexa Martin-Storey 2018
Disparities in sleep duration and quality related to sexual minority status: Findings from the American Time Use Survey Alexa Martin-Storey 2018
It’s about having money, but also happiness: A qualitative investigation of how youth understand subjective status in themselves and others Alexa Martin-Storey, Anne-Marie Tougas 2018
Équivalence de la version en français pour le Canada et de la version originale états-unienne de l’Adult Self-Report Yann Le Corff 2018
Programme familial d’entrainement aux habiletés pour les parents ayant une dépendance à l’alcool ou aux drogues et leurs enfants âgés de 6 à 12 ans : caractéristiques des familles rejointes par le programme Myriam Laventure 2018