Does the “last chance” sentence work? Failures and successes of Quebecois youth assigned to deferred custody and supervision orders between 2003 and 2012 Marie-Pierre Villeneuve 2017
School food environments associated with adiposity in children attending Canadian urban schools Caroline Fitzpatrick 2017
Predicting Depression and Anxiety from Oppositional Defiant Disorder Symptoms in Elementary School-Age Girls and Boys with Conduct Problems Jean Toupin, Mélanie Lapalme, Michèle Déry 2017
Persistent genetic and family-wide environmental contributions to early number knowledge and later achievement in mathematics Gabrielle Garon-Carrier 2017
From Trainer to Practitioner: How Sports Science Contributes to Sport-Based Interventions Involving Young Offenders Catherine Laurier 2017
The ‘good mother’ struggles : Obstacles to the attainment of motherhood ideals among adult women formerly placed in residential care Nadine Lanctôt 2017
Is it advisable to use the Scored Archetypal Test 9 (SAT.9) to enrich the evaluation of alexithymia when opting for a multimethod evaluative approach? Angélique Laurent 2017
Equivalence of Unproctored Internet Testing and Proctored Paper-and-Pencil Testing of the Big Five Yann Le Corff 2017
Mediating factors explaining the association between sexual minority status and dating violence Alexa Martin-Storey 2017
Children’s early disruptive behavior predicts later coercive behavior and binge drinking by mothers Caroline Fitzpatrick 2017