Mediating factors explaining the association between sexual minority status and dating violence Alexa Martin-Storey 2017
Violences sexuelles en milieu universitaire: synthèse des résultats de l’enquête ESSIMU au Québec Geneviève Paquette 2018
Intervention components and working alliance as predictors of individual career counseling effects on career decision-making difficulties Yann Le Corff 2018
Effet du counseling de carrière sur la santé mentale : utilisation de la méthode du changement clinique Yann Le Corff 2016
Equivalence of Unproctored Internet Testing and Proctored Paper-and-Pencil Testing of the Big Five Yann Le Corff 2017
Trajectories of dating violence: Differences by sexual minority status and gender Alexa Martin-Storey 2016
Gender, sexuality and gender nonconformity: Understanding variation in functioning Alexa Martin-Storey 2016
Overt versus covert conduct disorder symptoms and the prospective prediction of antisocial personality disorder 2014
Intervenir auprès d’adultes dépendants en rechute : point de vue de l’usager et de l’intervenant 2013