La fin de la situation de compromission selon le type de maltraitance subi et le placement de l’enfant Marie-Josée Letarte 2017
From maltreatment to delinquency: Service trajectories after a first intervention of child protection services Catherine Laurier 2016
Psychosocial profile of children having participated in an intervention program for their sexual behavior problems: The predictor role of maltreatment Anne-Marie Tougas 2016
Le rôle prédictif des mauvais traitements au regard de l’évolution des enfants participant à un programme d’intervention ciblant les comportements sexuels problématiques Anne-Marie Tougas 2016
Gestion du risque en maltraitance : Validation préliminaire d’une grille d’observation des sphères de vie de parents consommateurs Myriam Laventure, Sophie Couture 2015
Child maltreatment among boy and girl probationers: does the type of maltreatment make a difference in offending behavior and psychosocial problems? Nadine Lanctôt 2015
Hostile-Helpless state of mind as further evidence of adultdisorganized states of mind in neglecting families Jean-Pascal Lemelin 2014
Girls in residential care: From child maltreatment to trauma-related symptoms in emerging adulthood 2014