Linking work values profiles to basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration Yann Le Corff 2021
Work values and job satisfaction: the mediating role of basic psychological needs at work Yann Le Corff 2021
Estimating the relationship between childcare attendance and pathway to successful adulthood: Do the effects of early childcare extend to postsecondary education? Gabrielle Garon-Carrier 2021
Community outreach with families of children 0 to 5 years of age: Perceived practices and impacts in a health area in Quebec, Canada Julie Lane 2021
Can Temperament Predict School Readiness in At-Risk Kindergarteners? A Combination of Variable-Oriented and Person-Oriented Approaches Angélique Laurent, Jean-Pascal Lemelin, Marie-Josée Letarte 2021
The (limited) contribution of early childcare arrangements to social and academic development among Canadian children. Gabrielle Garon-Carrier, Vincent Bégin 2021
The role of online schooling, screen-based activities, and parent coping in Canadian children’s COVID-19- related trauma and anxiety symptoms Jonathan Smith 2021
The contribution of the logbook in program evaluation in a perspective of sustainability: the case of the HORS-PISTE program Danyka Therriault 2021
Commercial sexual exploitation, stigma, and trauma: A detrimental trio for an altered sense of self Catherine Laurier, Katherine Pascuzzo, Nadine Lanctôt 2021
School Dropout: The Role of Childhood Conduct Problems and Depressive Symptoms Michèle Déry, Vincent Bégin 2021