Prenatal exposure to PBDEs and predisposition to frustration at 7 months: Results from the MIREC Study Jean-Pascal Lemelin 2018
The importance of culturally valid norms in cognitive assessment: The Case of the WAIS-IV French-Canadian adaptation Yann Le Corff 2019
Persistent genetic and family-wide environmental contributions to early number knowledge and later achievement in mathematics Gabrielle Garon-Carrier 2017
The nature of the association between number line and mathematical performance: An international twin study Gabrielle Garon-Carrier 2019
The impact of an emotional competence course on alexithymic students enrolled in teacher training Angélique Laurent 2016
Is it advisable to use the Scored Archetypal Test 9 (SAT.9) to enrich the evaluation of alexithymia when opting for a multimethod evaluative approach? Angélique Laurent 2017
Alexithymia, a personality dimension to consider in the acquisition of social emotional competencies of students in their last year of teacher training Angélique Laurent 2019
Intrinsic motivation and performance in mathematics in primary school: A longitudinal investigation of their association Gabrielle Garon-Carrier, Jean-Pascal Lemelin 2016