“When we go to ask for help, they don’t understand how to help us”: Understanding how youth with childhood histories of conduct problems link sexuality and gender to school-based service use Alexa Martin-Storey, Mélanie Lapalme, Michèle Déry 2024
Addressing the overlap between sexual violence and sexuality and gender-based minority stressors: Advancing understanding by centering sexual and gender minority adolescents and young adults Alexa Martin-Storey, Geneviève Paquette 2023
Developmental trajectory of conduct problems among boys and girls receiving psychoeducational services at elementary schools Mélanie Lapalme, Michèle Déry 2023
A french translation of the Transgender Congruence Scale: Validation and associations with distress, well-being, and perceived transition status Alexa Martin-Storey, Julie-Christine Cotton, Yann Le Corff 2021
Transition processes among transgender and non-binary individuals: between wellbeing and discrimination Alexa Martin-Storey, Julie-Christine Cotton, Mathilde Garneau, Yann Le Corff 2022
Trajectories of medical service use among girls and boys with and without early-onset conduct problems Alexa Martin-Storey, Michèle Déry 2023
Longitudinal relationships between conduct problems, depressive symptoms, and school dropout Michèle Déry 2023
Contribution of parenting skills and school-based support services to the adaptive functioning of at-risk students, by vulnerability type and gender Gabrielle Garon-Carrier