Handwriting on a tablet screen: Role of visual and propriokinaesthetic feedback in the control of movement by children and adults Marie-France Morin 2019
Differences in attitudes toward reading: A survey of pupils in grades 5 to 8 Carolina Gonçalves, Marie-France Morin 2019
Intérêts et limites des outils numériques pour l’apprentissage de la production écrite Marie-France Morin 2019
Approche cognitive de la production écrite : principaux résultats et apports pour l’apprentissage et l’enseignement à l’école Marie-France Morin 2019
Avant-propos – Apprentissage et enseignement de la production écrite à l’école : apports de la recherche en sciences cognitives Marie-France Morin 2019
Identifying effective interventions for promoting parent engagement and family reunification for children in out-of-home care: A series of meta-analyses Katherine Pascuzzo 2019
« Lost in transition »: A systematic mixed studies review of problems and needs associated with school reintegration after psychiatric hospitalization Anne-Marie Tougas 2019
Adapting the Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency (ARC) Framework to Justice-Involved Youth: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Implementation Catherine Laurier 2019
Experiences of (young) women after out of home placement: An examination of personality disorder symptoms through the lens of child maltreatment. Nadine Lanctôt 2019