How do female adolescents transition out of residential care ? Towards a comprehensive understanding of child sexual abuse in relation to trauma-related symptoms Geneviève Paquette, Nadine Lanctôt 2017
New handwriting technologies: How the tablet screen surface affects students’ graphomotor execution Marie-France Morin 2016
Learning different allographs by handwriting: the impact on letter knowledge and reading acquisition Marie-France Morin 2016
How the Working Alliance with Adolescent Girls in Residential Care Predicts the Trajectories of Their Behavior Problems Nadine Lanctôt 2016
Distinct trajectories of separation anxiety in the preschool years: persistence at school entry and early-life associated factors Gabrielle Garon-Carrier 2016
Feelings of safety at school, socio-emotional functioning and classroom engagement Caroline Fitzpatrick 2016
Inhibition of attention to the emotional signals of his romantic partner moderates the relationship between avoidant attachment and trust Katherine Pascuzzo 2016
Cultural adaptation of a universal addiction prevention program for aboriginal innus children Julie-Christine Cotton, Myriam Laventure 2016