Understanding Youth Perceptions of Neighborhood Disorder: The Role of Conduct Problems
Martin-Storey A, *Bizier-Lacroix R, Temcheff C.E, Déry M. (2021). Understanding youth’s perceptions of neighborhood disorder: The role of conduct problems. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 50, 952-964.
While research addresses neighborhood disorder as leading to conduct problems, the role of individual-level differences in shaping adolescent perceptions of neighborhood has been overlooked. Data on youth, over-selected for childhood conduct problems (N = 744, 58% childhood conduct problems, 47% girls), were used to examine the link between conduct problems (time 1: Mean age = 12.23) and perceived neighborhood disorder (time 3: M = 14.30). The mediating role of delinquent friends, peer victimization, depressive symptoms, and observer-rated neighborhood disorder (time 2: M = 13.23) were also tested. Conduct problems were associated with higher levels of perceived neighborhood disorder, via delinquent peers and peer victimization. These findings offer new insight into the consequences of perceived neighborhood disorder for health and wellbeing.