Effets d’un programme d’entraînement sportif structuré sur la perception de soi des adolescents Catherine Laurier 2020
Rehabilitation Intervention in an Ice Hockey Context: What Changes under the Helmet Catherine Laurier 2020
Fragilité suicidaire des jeunes délinquants. Analyse interprétative phénoménologique de l’expérience en mise sous garde Catherine Laurier 2020
Does the “last chance” sentence work? Failures and successes of Quebecois youth assigned to deferred custody and supervision orders between 2003 and 2012 Marie-Pierre Villeneuve 2017
The transition towards desistance from crime among serious juvenile offenders : A scoping review Marie-Pierre Villeneuve 2019
Désistement assisté : vecteur d’intégration sociocommunautaire pour des adolescents engagés dans une délinquance grave et persistante Marie-Pierre Villeneuve 2020
Gender Nonconformity During Adolescence: Links with Stigma, Sexual Minority Status, and Psychosocial Outcomes Alexa Martin-Storey 2019
Prevalence and Correlates of Sexting Behaviors in a Provincially Representative Sample of Adolescents Alexa Martin-Storey 2020
The use of indirect aggression among boys and girls with and without conduct problems: Trajectories from childhood to adolescence Michèle Déry 2021