Development and validation of a model predicting students’ sense of school belonging and engagement as a function of school climate Jonathan Smith 2021
Managing the toll of sex work with bounded agency: Perspectives of ex-sex workers Nadine Lanctôt 2021
Different profiles, different needs: An exploration psychosocial and analysis of characteristics of children in kinship care and their parents Josianne Lamothe 2020
A longitudinal analysis of psychological distress among healthcare workers following patient violence Josianne Lamothe 2020
What are the perceptions of students with behavioural difficulties regarding the conditions influencing their education in regular classes? Marie-France Nadeau 2020
Preschool cognitive control and family adversity predict the evolution of classroom engagement in elementary school Caroline Fitzpatrick 2020
Os subprocessos do processo de escrita: programa de intervenção para aprendizagem do texto expositivo Carolina Gonçalves 2020
Education for students with neurodevelopmental disabilities—Resources and educational adjustments Malena Argumedes, Marie-France Nadeau 2020