Rehabilitation Intervention in an Ice Hockey Context: What Changes under the Helmet Catherine Laurier 2020
Help-seeking barriers among sexual and gender minority individuals who experience intimate partner violence victimization Alexa Martin-Storey 2020
The development of the French version of the psychological sense of school membership (PSSM) questionnaire: An analysis of its structure, properties and potential for research with at-risk students Jonathan Smith 2020
Fragilité suicidaire des jeunes délinquants. Analyse interprétative phénoménologique de l’expérience en mise sous garde Catherine Laurier 2020
The hopelessness effect: Counselors’ perceptions of their female clients involved in sex work in Canada Nadine Lanctôt 2020
Désistement assisté : vecteur d’intégration sociocommunautaire pour des adolescents engagés dans une délinquance grave et persistante Marie-Pierre Villeneuve 2020
Advancing interprofessional theory: Deliberative democracy as a participatory research antidote to power differentials in aged care Josianne Lamothe 2019