Adapting the Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency (ARC) Framework to Justice-Involved Youth: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Implementation Catherine Laurier 2019
Textos e Contextos: a Relação entre Teoria e Prática na PES pela voz de Futuros/as Educadores/as e Professores/as Carolina Gonçalves 2019
A Prática de Ensino Supervisionada: Vozes e Posicionamentos dos(as) Estudantes-Estagiários(as) Carolina Gonçalves 2019
Traits de personnalité chez les jeunes contrevenants : étude comparative entre les jeunes contrevenants associés ou non aux gangs de rue Catherine Laurier 2019
Clinical Utility of the Limited Prosocial Emotions Specifier in the Childhood–Onset Subtype of Conduct Disorder Jean Toupin, Michèle Déry, Vincent Bégin 2019
Adolescent media use and its association to wellbeing in a Canadian national sample Caroline Fitzpatrick 2019
Characteristics of Canadian youth adhering to physical activity and screen time recommendations Caroline Fitzpatrick 2019
Avant-propos – Apprentissage et enseignement de la production écrite à l’école : apports de la recherche en sciences cognitives Marie-France Morin 2019
Defining and measuring the quality of Early Learning and Child Care : A littérature review Gabrielle Garon-Carrier 2019