Psychiatric relapses and criminal recidivism of individuals found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder after absolute discharge in a region of Québec Yann Le Corff 2022
Early exposure to media violence: what parents and policy makers ought to know Caroline Fitzpatrick 2016
De l’enfance à l’adolescence : violence virtuelle et ses répercussions sur les comportements agressifs Caroline Fitzpatrick 2020
Profiles and Predictors of Dating Violence Among Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents Alexa Martin-Storey 2020
Help-seeking barriers among sexual and gender minority individuals who experience intimate partner violence victimization Alexa Martin-Storey 2020
The use of indirect aggression among boys and girls with and without conduct problems: Trajectories from childhood to adolescence Michèle Déry 2021
Victimisation verbale, relationnelle et indirecte chez les filles : une approche méthodologique mixte pour comprendre le rôle du ‹‹slut shaming››, des comportements homophobes et du harcèlement sexuel Alexa Martin-Storey
Agression indirecte à l’âge scolaire primaire et comportements de prise de risque durant le secondaire chez les filles Michèle Déry 2018
Firearm Ownership in High-Conflict Families: Differences According to State Laws Restricting Firearms to Misdemeanor Crimes of Domestic Violence Offenders Alexa Martin-Storey 2018