Brief Report: Impact of Challenging Behavior on Parenting Stress in Mothers and Fathers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Malena Argumedes 2018
The importance of culturally valid norms in cognitive assessment: The Case of the WAIS-IV French-Canadian adaptation Yann Le Corff 2019
Predictors of Childhood Trajectories of Physical and Indirect Aggression: An Interdisciplinary Approach Michèle Déry 2018
Handwriting in signing deaf middle-school students and relationship with text composition and spelling Marie-France Morin 2018
New ways to get policy into practice: A mixed-method participatory study of care coordination and street-level bureaucrats Josianne Lamothe 2018
Impact of Challenging Behavior on Parenting Stress in Mothers and Fathers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Malena Argumedes 2018
Intervention components and working alliance as predictors of individual career counseling effects on career decision-making difficulties Yann Le Corff 2018
Indirect aggression at the primary school age and behaviors of risk in high school for girls Michèle Déry 2018
Violence and aggression against child protection workers: A study of workers’ experiences, attributions, and coping strategies Gabrielle Yale-Soulière, Josianne Lamothe 2018
Equivalence of the French-Canadian translation to the original English version of the Adult Self-Report Yann Le Corff 2018