Validation of the French Canadian version of the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire—Short Form. Jean Toupin, Jean-Pascal Lemelin, Michèle Déry, Yann Le Corff 2020
Evaluative practices related to reserved activities by the Professional Code of Quebec Yann Le Corff 2020
Factors Associated with Psychometric Assessment Practices of Quebec Guidance Counsellors and Psychologists Yann Le Corff 2020
Moderating role of the form of maltreatment experienced by children on the effectiveness of a parent training program Marie-Josée Letarte 2018
Equivalence of the French-Canadian translation to the original English version of the Adult Self-Report Yann Le Corff 2018
Clinical reasoning and intervention strategies: simulated interviews with psychoactive substance-using mothers who monitored by youth protection services Myriam Laventure, Sophie Couture 2018
Intervention components and working alliance as predictors of individual career counseling effects on career decision-making difficulties Yann Le Corff 2018
Gender-responsive programs and services for girls in residential centers: meeting different profiles of rehabilitation needs Nadine Lanctôt 2018
Structural validity of the NEO Personality Inventory 3 (NEO-PI-3) in a French-Canadian sample Yann Le Corff 2016