Student-teacher relationship quality moderates longitudinal associations between child temperament and behavior problems Jean-Pascal Lemelin, Michèle Déry 2022
Assessing and Comparing Handwriting Skills of Kindergarten and First Grade Pupils with Kinematic Theory and Lognormal Models. Marie-France Morin 2021
Relations entre habiletés graphomotrices et performances orthographiques : bilan des travaux et illustration chez des élèves français de 4e année du primaire Marie-France Morin 2021
Participation in sports-related extracurricular activities: A strategy that enhances school engagement Jonathan Smith 2017
L’importance du soutien des adultes en mathématiques, tel que perçu par les élèves des mathématiques enrichies au secondaire, lors de leurs choix de filières de formation préuniversitaire Jonathan Smith 2017
Relationships with teachers and achievement motivation in the context of the transition to secondary school Jonathan Smith 2017
Motivation d’élèves en situation d’échec ayant expérimenté une mesure alternative au redoublement Jonathan Smith 2018
Changes in students’ achievement motivation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: A function of extraversion/ introversion? Caroline Fitzpatrick, Jonathan Smith 2021
Exploring the impacts of contextualized outdoor science education on learning: The case of primary school students learning about ecosystem relationships Jonathan Smith 2021
The evolution of motivation to learn in the context of the transition to secondary school: Developmental trajectories and relational determinants Jonathan Smith 2020