Intelligence and personality: A replication and extension study of the association between intelligence and personality aspects

Année :


*Bédard M-A, Le Corff Y. (2020). Intelligence and personality: A replication and extension study of the association between intelligence and personality aspects. Journal of Individual Differences. 41(3), 124-132


This replication and extension of DeYoung, Quilty, Peterson, and Gray’s (2014) study aimed to assess the unique variance of each of the 10 aspects of the Big Five personality traits (DeYoung, Quilty, & Peterson, 2007) associated with intelligence and its dimensions. Personality aspects and intelligence were assessed in a sample of French-Canadian adults from real-life assessment settings (n = 213). Results showed that the Intellect aspect was independently associated with g, verbal, and nonverbal intelligence while its counterpart Openness was independently related to verbal intelligence only, thus replicating the results of the original study. Independent associations were also found between Withdrawal, Industriousness and Assertiveness aspects and verbal intelligence, as well as between Withdrawal and Politeness aspects and nonverbal intelligence. Possible explanations for these associations are discussed.