Dating violence trajectories in adolescence: How do they relate to sexual outcomes in Canada? Alexa Martin-Storey 2023
Prenatal maternal stress during the COVID-19 pandemic and birth outcomes: Is the newborn spared? Jean-Pascal Lemelin 2023
Prenatal maternal stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study of pregnant women in Quebec, Canada Jean-Pascal Lemelin 2023
Mother-infant interaction context matters for verbal and non-verbal parental mentalization: an initial portrait of associations between parental embodied mentalizing, mind-mindedness, and maternal characteristics in a structured and unstructured context Jean-Pascal Lemelin 2023
Unraveling the effects of maternal breastfeeding duration and exclusive breast milk on children’s cognitive abilities in early childhood Angélique Laurent, Caroline Fitzpatrick, Gabrielle Garon-Carrier 2023
Prevalence of the alternative model of personality disorders diagnoses in populational and at-risk samples, gender and age groups comparisons, and normative data for the LPFS-SR and PID-5 Mélanie Lapalme, Yann Le Corff 2023
Information and communication technologies use in the contexts of parental separation and foster care: A scoping review Julie Noël 2023
Traumatic sequelae of exposure to street gangs in young women placed in residential care during adolescence: Examining the dose-response relationship Catherine Laurier, Nadine Lanctôt 2023
The many faces of the “foster care youth” label: How young women manage the stigma of out-of-care placement Nadine Lanctôt 2023
Psychometric Properties of the French and German Versions of the Physical Self-Concept Questionnaire for Elementary School Children – Revised (PSCQ-C-R) Isabelle Thibault 2023