Personality heterogeneity in adolescents with anorexia nervosa: a factor-mixture analysis Isabelle Thibault 2023
The development and preliminary validation of a measure of victimization within the friendships of emerging adults Alexa Martin-Storey 2023
Trajectories of change in career decision difficulties during a manualized individual career counseling intervention: The influence of counselor adherence, working alliance and client personality traits. Yann Le Corff 2023
Do adolescent girls’ relationships with their parents influence their perceptions of the therapeutic alliance and group climate in residential care? Katherine Pascuzzo, Nadine Lanctôt 2023
Clinical overrides with the YLS/CMI: Predictive validity and associated factors Catherine Laurier 2023
Trajectory classes of externalizing and internalizing symptoms to adolescent gambling participation: an exploratory study Michèle Déry 2023
Santé psychologique et émotionnelle des personnes de la diversité sexuelle et de genre : ressources de soutien utilisées et degré de satisfaction Julie-Christine Cotton 2023
Pratiques prometteuses auprès de jeunes exploités sexuellement : une étude de portée Katherine Pascuzzo, Marie-Pierre Villeneuve, Nadine Lanctôt, Sophie Couture 2023
Linking high school students’ achievement goal orientations with their competence beliefs and their perception of teachers’ emotional support during the COVID-19 pandemic Caroline Fitzpatrick, Jonathan Smith, Marie-France Nadeau 2022