Les représentations en matière d’évaluation psychologique des conseillères et conseillers d’orientation, des psychologues ainsi que des psychoéducatrices et psychoéducateurs Yann Le Corff 2023
The progression and mechanisms of mental illness symptoms in university student-athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic Catherine Laurier, Sophie Couture 2023
Psychometric Properties of the French and German Versions of the Physical Self-Concept Questionnaire for Elementary School Children – Revised (PSCQ-C-R) Isabelle Thibault 2023
S’appuyer sur les perceptions des élèves du primaire pour soutenir les interactions en classe : élaboration et validation d’un questionnaire Marie-France Nadeau 2023
Le transfert de connaissances chez les personnes étudiantes aux cycles supérieurs: des perceptions et pratiques qui témoignent d’un changement de paradigme au Québec? Julie Lane 2023
Information and communication technologies use in the contexts of parental separation and foster care: A scoping review Julie Noël 2023
Prevalence of the alternative model of personality disorders diagnoses in populational and at-risk samples, gender and age groups comparisons, and normative data for the LPFS-SR and PID-5 Mélanie Lapalme, Yann Le Corff 2023
Traumatic sequelae of exposure to street gangs in young women placed in residential care during adolescence: Examining the dose-response relationship Catherine Laurier, Nadine Lanctôt 2023
The many faces of the « foster care youth » label: How young women manage the stigma of out-of-care placement Nadine Lanctôt 2023