Predicting Depression and Anxiety from Oppositional Defiant Disorder Symptoms in Elementary School-Age Girls and Boys with Conduct Problems Jean Toupin, Mélanie Lapalme, Michèle Déry 2017
Predictors of Childhood Trajectories of Physical and Indirect Aggression: An Interdisciplinary Approach Michèle Déry 2018
Longitudinal Determinants of School-Based Mental Health Service Use for Girls and Boys with Externalizing Behavior Problems Jean Toupin, Michèle Déry 2018
Caractéristiques individuelles et familiales associées à la persistance des troubles du comportement perturbateur chez les enfants Mélanie Lapalme, Michèle Déry 2017
Early developmental trajectories of number knowledge and math achievement from 4 to 10 years: Low-persistent profile and earlylife predictors Gabrielle Garon-Carrier, Jean-Pascal Lemelin 2018
Trajectories of Internalizing during the Transition to Adolescence in Children with and Without Conduct Problems Alexa Martin-Storey, Jean-Pascal Lemelin, Michèle Déry 2018
From maltreatment to delinquency: Service trajectories after a first intervention of child protection services Catherine Laurier 2016
Types and influence of social support on school engagement of young survivors of leukemia Anne-Marie Tougas 2016
Clinically Significant Conduct Problems in Girls in the Elementary School Years: Gender Differences in Trajectories and Risk Factors Alexa Martin-Storey, Jean Toupin, Jean-Pascal Lemelin, Michèle Déry 2016