Explaining school entry math and reading achievement in Canadian children using the Opportunity-Propensity framework Caroline Fitzpatrick 2019
Variations in gambling disorder symptomatology across sexual identity among college student-athletes Alexa Martin-Storey 2019
Experiences of (young) women after out of home placement: An examination of personality disorder symptoms through the lens of child maltreatment. Nadine Lanctôt 2019
Trajectories of verbal and physical peer victimization among children with comorbid oppositional defiant problems, conduct problems and hyperactive-attention problems Alexa Martin-Storey, Jean-Pascal Lemelin, Michèle Déry 2019
L’attachement aux parents et aux pairs chez les adolescents et adolescentes avec ou sans trouble du comportement Danyka Therriault, Jean Toupin, Jean-Pascal Lemelin, Michèle Déry 2019
« Lost in transition »: A systematic mixed studies review of problems and needs associated with school reintegration after psychiatric hospitalization Anne-Marie Tougas 2019
L’implication scolaire des parents et l’adaptation comportementale, sociale et scolaire des adolescents et adolescentes ayant eu des problèmes de comportement durant l’enfance Jean-Pascal Lemelin, Mélanie Lapalme, Michèle Déry 2019
Histoires de placement : comment de jeunes femmes intègrent leurs expériences en centre jeunesse au tournant de l’âge adulte Nadine Lanctôt 2019
The nature of the association between number line and mathematical performance: An international twin study Gabrielle Garon-Carrier 2019