Fréquence et type de délits commis par des hommes atteints de troubles mentaux graves selon l’âge d’apparition des comportements antisociaux Mélanie Lapalme, Yann Le Corff 2020
Self-Continuity Buffers the Association Between Sexual-Minority Status Based Discrimination and Depressive Symptoms Alexa Martin-Storey 2020
Effect of individual career counseling on psychological distress: Impact of career intervention components, working alliance, and career indecision difficulties Yann Le Corff 2020
The development of the French version of the psychological sense of school membership (PSSM) questionnaire: An analysis of its structure, properties and potential for research with at-risk students Jonathan Smith 2020
Gender Nonconformity During Adolescence: Links with Stigma, Sexual Minority Status, and Psychosocial Outcomes Alexa Martin-Storey 2019
Différences en matière de santé mentale selon le statut de minorité sexuelle Alexa Martin-Storey, Myriam Laventure 2019
Continuity and change in psychopathic traits among school-aged children with conduct problems Michèle Déry, Vincent Bégin, Yann Le Corff 2019
Jeunes contrevenants à la croisée des chemins : étude à devis mixte du risque suicidaire Catherine Laurier 2018
Les croyances culturelles sur la santé mentale: points de vue de parents francophones migrants de l’Afrique subsaharienne Angélique Laurent 2018